-114 Sai Ajay Bompalli

The following is a link to the assignment which has been given to me for a monthly progress evaluation:


Please go through one particular answer of ten students in this link: 

And share your peer review of each answer with your quantitative marking input as well as qualitative insights into what was good or bad about the answer. 


After reviewing the pulmonology case in the following links:

Link 1:  

Qualitative: 8/10


  • The symptomatology has been explained in a chronological order of occurrence but had missed the order for one of the symptoms.
  • But the mechanism of action was very well explained with essential amount of information to explain the necessity of the pharmacological drugs administered to the patient.
  • The blog also contained information which indicated the efficiency over placebo in this scenario.
  • The cause of the patients illness was not identified but the possible causes were explained.
  • Finally the cause for her electrolyte imbalance was explaining by pictorial representation which is more useful than simple text.
Link 2:

Qualitative: 8/10

  • The symptomatology has been explained in a chronological order of occurrence.
  • The anatomical location of the problem has been mentioned.
  • The mechanism of action was very well explained with essential amount of information using images to explain the placebo effect.
  • The uses of the pharmacological drugs administered to the patient were not mentioned.
  • The answers for the given questions were very precise.
Link 3:

Qualitative: 9/10

  • The symptomatology has been explained in a chronological order of occurrence.
  • The primary etiology of the patient has been mentioned with the necessary finding along with the pictorial representation.
  • The anatomical location of the problem has been described.
  • The mechanism of action was very well explained with the action of the pharmacological drugs administered.
  • The answers for the given questions were commendable along with the usage of statistics.
Link 4:

Qualitative: 8/10

  • The symptomatology of the patient was mentioned and the series of the events which took place after the appearance of the 1st symptom were mentioned.
  • The primary etiology of the patient was not identified with precision but an attempt has been done.
  • The mechanism of action was very well explained with the action of the pharmacological drugs administered.
  • The answers for the given questions were commendable and precise.
Link 5:

Qualitative: 9/10

  • The symptomatology has been explained in a chronological order of occurrence in a tabular form to increase the understanding capacity.
  • The mechanism of action was very well explained with essential amount of information to explain the necessity of the pharmacological drugs administered to the patient along with the efficacy of the drug used.
  • The description was too lengthy.
  • Answers to the questions mentioned in the end were up to the point.
  • If there was a usage of images it would have been better.
Link 6:

Qualitative: 6/10

  • The symptomatology has been explained in a chronological order of occurrence.
  • The answers to the questions vere mentioned in a single word or a sentence without a detailed explanation.
  • The drugs administered and their usage were not mentioned
  • Pictorial representation and the usage of tables might have improved the presentation.
Link 7:

Qualitative: 7/10

  • The symptomatology has been explained in a chronological order of occurrence.
  • Pictorial representation and the usage of tables might have improved the presentation.
  • The drugs administered were mentioned but their action was not explained.
  • The answers were not described in a commendable manner.
  • The discription was shot.
Link 8:

Qualitative: 7/10

  • The symptomatology has been explained but not in a chronological order of occurrence.
  • The drugs administered were mentioned but their action was not explained along with the efficacy of the drug.
  • Images were being used for a better understanding.
  • All the questions were not answered
  • The ans were not efficiently explained.
Link 9:

Qualitative: 9/10

  • The symptomatology has been explained in a chronological order of occurrence.
  • The primary etiology of the patient has been mentioned with the necessary finding with the path of action.
  • The anatomical location of the problem has been described.
  • The mechanism of action was very well explained with the action of the pharmacological drugs administered.
  • The answers for the given questions were commendable but vere a bit lengthy.
Link 10:

Qualitative: 8/10

  • The symptomatology has been explained in a chronological order of occurrence.
  • The anatomical location of the problem was mentioned.
  • The usage of images is seen which is commendable.
  • The drugs administered were mentioned but their action was explained.
  • The other answers to the questions were in short phrases but they lack an explanation.

Share the link to your own case report of a patient that you connected with and engaged while capturing his her sequential life events before and after the illness and clinical and investigational images along with your discussion of that case. 


Question 3:

Please go through the cases in the link shared above and provide your critical appraisal of the captured data in terms of completeness, correctness and ability to provide useful leads to analyze the diagnostic and therapeutic uncertainties around the cases shared.

Answer 3:


  • All the required data has been included in the chronological order.
  • If the history was mentioned in a point wise manner it would have been more comprehensive.
  • All the investigations done were mentioned along with the deidentified reports.
  • No discussions on diagnostic and therapeutic uncertainties were given.
  • The general examination and the systematic examinations done were mentioned accordingly.
  • The treatment plan was well described with the dates on which drugs were administered.

Please analyze the above linked patient data by first preparing a problem list for the patient (based on the shared data) and then discuss the diagnostic and therapeutic uncertainty around solving those problems. 


Problem list at the time of arrival :

1. Complaints of Altered Sensorium 
2. Shortness of breath at rest
3. Lethargy
4. Anasarca
5. Complaints of lower back pain and neck pain
6. Loss of appetite

Problems found while systematic examinations:

1. Presence of oedema
2. Dyspnea is present
3. Hypoactive and  delayed response to commands

Treatment : 

Inj. LASIX was given to manage Anasarca.


If we just take a look at what we have achieved with the help of telemedical communication the answers are never ending. Like all the case history can be shared throughout the world, and we can also recieve suggessions from the experts who have always been working in that field for a long time. The task of making an elog might look as an easy one but it's not. Making an elog consumes a lot of time and effort, we have to collect the patient history by talking to their attendent or patient themselves which was a tough task. It is the first time ever that we started an interaction with the patient which was enough to increase our anxiety but the task was incomplete. Talking to the patient directly would have given us much more valuable information and we could understand their pain and suffering by looking at them. We've missed all these interactions due to the pandemic but there is nothing else we could think of to use the time available to the fullest. This experience we gained by writing elogs and writing the assignment gave us an opportunity to learn something new, basics of what a doctor should do when he has encountered a patient. History taking which includes present history, past history, family history, treatment history and so on along with their biodata. Each step gives us a clue of some sort, helps us the process of diagnosis. We believe this experience would help us gain a better perspective in the future. 


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