
Showing posts from July, 2021


  BIMONTHLY BLENDED ASSESSMENT - JULY 2021 -114 Sai Ajay Bompalli   BELOW IS THE LINK TO THE QUESTIONS ASKED TO US : QUESTION 1: -Below is the link of the student assignment for which I am sharing my peer review. Reviews to all the Questions answered :- 1.The quantitative and qualitative insights(reviews) were given genuienly according to the deservance of E-Log case. 2.The clear cut appraisal is given by mentioning both pros and cons. 3.There is even more possibility for more case depicting points which can be selectively described. 4.The peer review is written on shortness of breath, pedal edema and facial puffiness. A good and well described appraisal has been provided regarding the important aspects of the case.  5.The symptomatology, etiology and the anatomical localisation of the problem were clear
19 year old female came with complaint of shortness of breath since 10 days. History of present illness: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 6 months ago when she experienced heavier flow in her menstrual bleeding. She says, it has worsened in the last 3 months - where the cycles occur every 30 days and she bleeds for 5 days during which she has to use 10-15 pads a day for the first 2 days.  She went the OB&G for the same and then was referred to General Medicine.  She complains of shortness of breath on walking 4-5 steps, speaking and even eating food since the last 10 days associated with fatigue, weakness, palpitation and sweating.  She gives a history of a severe episode of SOB today morning when she was packing to get to the hospital which subsided when the ASHA worker near their apartment made her sleep to the side, opened the windows and made her smell camphor.  She complains of sudden breathlessness while in sleep at night, which subsides when she takes a stroll in the gree


BIMONTHLY BLENDED ASSESSMENT - JUNE 2021 -114 Sai Ajay Bompalli The following is a link to the assignment which has been given to me for a monthly progress evaluation: QUESTION 1: Please go through one particular answer of ten students in this link:  And share your peer review of each answer with your quantitative marking input as well as qualitative insights into what was good or bad about the answer.  ANSWER 1: After reviewing the pulmonology case in the following links: Link 1:   Qualitative: 8/10 Quantitative:  The symptomatology has been explained in a chronological order of occurrence but had missed the order for one of the symptoms. But the mechanism of action was very well explained with essential amount of information to explain the necessity of the