
Showing posts from June, 2021

A 70 year old Female with Neck - Muscle Stiffness and Loss of Speech

A 70yr old female came with complaints of neck muscle stiffness and unable to speak. History of present illness:- Patient was apprently asymptomatic 7years back then she developed pain in the right shoulder for which she was managed conservatively 5years ago she developed weakness and giddiness and on evaluation was diagnosed with HYPERTENSION (started with TAB.ATENOLOL 25mg which she stopped 2months ago and started taking TELMA-40 as prescribed by local medical practitioner since the BP was’nt under control).Also since 5yrs she developed pain in both lower limbs for which she was prescribed TAB.ACECLOFENAC AND TAB.PREDNISOLONE-5mg by an RMP and stopped taking these from 2months. History of past illness:- Not a known case of DM,TB,Bronchial Asthma Personal history:- She takes mixed diet and has decreased appetite She has adequate sleep Her bowel and bladder movements are normal and regular Family history:- No significant family history Treatment History: TAB. ATENOLOL 5mg TELMA - 40  T

Acute Kidney Injury secondary to Urosepsis

A 60yr old female presented to the OPD with chief complaints of pedal edema since 10 days, decreased urine output since 10 days and fever since 10 days. History of present illness: The patient was apparently asymptomatic 5 years back following which she was diagnosed with DM2 on checkup and on Teneligliptin 20 mg. In 2019 ( 2 years ago) she developed fever, shortness of breath and pedal edema and diagnosed with Acute kidney injury secondary to urosepsis and resolved conservatively after dialysis (4 sessions) Now presented with history of fever, high grade since 10 days, not associated with vomiting and loose stools . Patient complaints pedal edema bilateral and pitting type, with decreased urine output and burning micturition. History of past illness: Outside reports suggest acute kidney injury. Known case of diabetes mellitus since 10 years and on tab Teneligliptin 20 mg and not known case of hypertension, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis. Personal history: Married  Mixed diet Noamal Ap